In the year 6019 A∴L∴, at 4° under the sign of Cancer, corresponding to the year 7063 from the beginning of the Great Work (A∴E∴) and 2019 A.P. (Anno Profano), an important message was proclaimed to all Venerable Brothers and Sisters. On the fourth day of the seventh month of that momentous year, within the sacred chambers of the Sovereign Sanctuary, a significant event occurred in the history of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraim – the sacred mystery of light transmission was accomplished.
On that day, Venerable Brother Marc de Jardin arrived as a trusted envoy from the Grand Hierophant, Venerable Brother Michael Bertiaux. In accordance with ancient rituals and ordinances, during a solemn ceremony, he transferred the sacred charter to Venerable Brother Alexander Rybalka. This charter granted the authority to govern the entire Order of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim, continuing the line of Grand Hierophant Bertiaux.
Along with the charter, sacred instructions and esoteric directives were transmitted, constituting the True Hierophany – the secret knowledge carefully preserved by the Guardians of the Rite. This event marked a new chapter in the Order’s history, which thereafter became known as APRMM (A∴ P∴ R∴ M∴ M∴ Bertiaux line) – the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraim of the Grand Hierophant Bertiaux lineage.
The Declaration concluded with the wish that the Light of Ancient Wisdom would always remain with the members of the Order.
May the Light of Ancient Wisdom remain with us!